Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Instrument Imaging Simulations


This web page will host and serve Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Instrument simulation results and tools for the community. The goal is to use realistic instrument assumptions, resulting in raw and post-processed contrast curves and throughput as a function of wavelength, and realistic astrophysical assumptions (planet brightness as a function of wavelength, orbital elements, exo-zodi level, planet populations consistent with current knowledge) in order to address several important questions:

  • Determine whether a given planet is observable as a function of integration time and number of visits.
  • Study lists of planets over full orbits to assess detectability of various samples in a multi-year mission.
  • Produce images based on realistic coronagraph performance, including speckles.
  • Enable users to embed model planets and search for them using a variety of image processing techniques.

Simulation Data