IPAC Roman Team

Antonio Addis
Rachel Akeson
Lee Armus (Science Lead)
Etienne Bachelet
Lee Bennett
Sebastiano Calchi Novati
James Colbert
Gina Duggan
Alexandra Greenbaum
Justin Hang
George Helou
Jim Ingalls
Emmanuel Joliet
Seppo Laine
Wanggi Lim
Jake Llamas
Patrick Lowrance (Task Lead)
Vihang Mehta
Takahiro Morishita
Ananda Muthiar
Amelia Nash
Eric Oh
Amalia Rivera
Elena Scire
Jennifer Sobeck
Alexander Stukalov
Sarmen Ter-Oganesyan
Schuyler Van Dyk
Gregory Walth
Yun Wang
Joan Xie
Keto Zhang
Lijun Zhang

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