* Web GUI Version History

- September 2015
  . Implements version 14 of Chris Hirata's exptimecalc C code

* Hirata C Code Version History

- Version 1: March 19, 2011
  . First version, with basic BAO functionality only (including a single HalphaLF model and constant throughput).

- Version 2: March 21, 2011
  . Added support for telescope configuration files, including separate all-order and 1st order throughputs.

- Version 3: March 27, 2011
  . Improved speed by eliminating redundant calls to MTF calculator. Added additional outputs.
  . Fixed bug in output for kurtosis of ln FHalpha.

- Version 4: April 3, 2011
  . Added new HalphaLF models.
  . Fixed bug in implementation of Geach et al HalphaLF (minor: up to 4% change in L*).

- Version 5: April 9, 2011
  . Added WL calculator including source galaxy catalog input/processing, penalty factor function, and polychromatic PSFs.
  . Improved accuracy in u integration for Omega_eff calculation.

- Version 6: April 11, 2011
  . Added support for aberrations.
  . Added filter throughput.
  . Restricted range in u integration for BAO Ωeff calculation.
  . Updated cosmology to agree with FoMSWG/WMAP5 to more decimal places.

- Version 7: May 4, 2011
  . Included code to catch incompatible compilation options. Introduced -DOUT_WL_CAT and -DWFE_OVERRIDE options.
  . Added independent SNR cut for WL source galaxies.
  . Added finite line width smearing in BAO mode.
  . Added more realistic model for noise variance on NIR detectors (v6 and previous had behavior equivalent to mode==0 in getNoiseTotal, which was too optimistic).
  . Added thermal background model.

- Version 8: October 1, 2011
  . Added PZCAL mode.
  . Added updated CMC galaxy size distribution model (j=2), and correspondingly changed the suggested command line input.
  . Changed CCD_MODE behavior to correspond to pixel parameters appropriate for a CCD rather than HgCdTe detector.
  . Changed WFE_OVERRIDE behavior to switch off WL-specific inputs that are not used in this mode.
  . Fixed bug in neff computation (v7 and previous were too pessimistic; typical changes are ~3%).

- Version 9: March 7, 2012
  . Changed detector options from macros to global variables set at the beginning of the run; allows user to choose detector without recompiling.
  . Added −DWFE_HOPKINS_EXP flag for alternative wavefront distribution. Added support for completeness in the BAO mode.
  . Fixed bugs in error reporting.

- Version 10: March 28, 2012
  . Added the Sobral et al. HalphaLF option.
  . Added output on photon counts per unit line flux in the BAO mode.
  . Added source continuum to the noise model.
  . Switched default BAO cuts to SNRo instead of SNRe (the latter is available as the -DUSE_SNRE option).

- Version 11: February 2, 2013
  . Extended the WL redshift range from zmax=3 to zmax=4.
  . Added additional outputs describing the PSF (encircled energy @ 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 arcsec radii; the peak intensity; the effective area; and the centroid error coefficient).
  . Added SPCONT mode.
  . Changed warning limits on some parameters.

- Version 12: May 5, 2013
  . Added support for wavelength-dependent wavefront error in the BAO and SPCONT modes.
  . Added the H1R detector as an option.
  . Included the Colbert et al. (2013) HalphaLF.
  . Added support for the IFU in SPCONT mode.
  . Enables configuration files to be described as imaging, slitless, or IFU. (This is designed to prevent accidental misuse: only the IFU mode actually changes the behavior.)

- Version 13: August 21, 2014
  . Fixed number of readout channels for the H1R.
  . Incorporated time overhead penalty for guide window readout on H4RG.
  . Fixed angular integration bug in MTFs (the previous versions defined the angular step size as an integer rather than floating-point type, resulting in incorrect higher-order moments of the pixel shape; typical effects were several percent).
  . Updated the Colbert et al. (2013) HalphaLF.
  . Added capability to determine the enhancement of SNR in the BAO mode due to inclusion of [N II] as well as Halpha.

- Version 14: February 25, 2015
  . Replaced the H1R with H1RG.
  . Added additional Halpha luminosity function options, including update to model i=6.

- Version 15: April 1, 2017
  . Incorporated [O III] options for the BAO survey.
  . Changed the frame update rate for the H4RG to 2.75 s to reflect 200 kHz readout (the new WFIRST baseline).

- Version 16: November 22, 2017
  . Incorporated model average luminosity functions for Ha and [O III].
  . Incorporated [O II] options for the BAO survey.
  . Incorporated Fowler-4 and 8 readout options.
  . Fixed integer interpolation issue in the [O III] luminosity function that underestimated the galaxy counts at high redshift.
- Version 17: July 25, 2021
  . Changed warning limits on thermal backgrounds so that Roman defaults do not result in a warning.