A description of Lensing_SOM.fits table columns:

id -- source identification number
u, du -- synthesized LSST u-band mag and its uncertainty
g, dg -- synthesized LSST g-band mag and its uncertainty
r, dr -- synthesized LSST r-band mag and its uncertainty
i, di -- synthesized LSST i-band mag and its uncertainty
z, dz -- synthesized LSST z-band mag and its uncertainty
y, dy -- synthesized WFIRST Y-band mag and its uncertainty
j, dj -- synthesized WFIRST J-band mag and its uncertainty
h, dh -- synthesized WFIRST H-band mag and its uncertainty
h2, dh2 -- synthesized WFIRST F184W-band mag and its uncertainty
redshift -- photometric redshift
specz -- spectroscopic redshift
flag -- spectroscopic redshift quality (1-4 High to low,  5: 3dhst, 6: Hathi et al. compilation, 7: MOSDEF)
RIZ -- synthesized Euclid riz magnitude
cell_i -- "i" location of cell
cell_j -- "j" location of cell
cell_medz -- median redshift of cell
cell_stdz -- standard deviation of the redshifts in the cell
cell_density -- number of objects in the cell