Permission to use these spectra is granted under the condition that credit is given to: Kerri Cahoy, Mark Marley, and Jonathan Fortney Reference: Cahoy et al. 2010, Astrophysical Journal EXOPLANET ALBEDO SPECTRA AND COLORS AS A FUNCTION OF PLANET PHASE, SEPARATION, AND METALLICITY Contact information: and,, Alternate Contact Information: Nikole Lewis ( ---------------------------------------------------------------- File naming overview for files in albedo_spectra Planet-star separation: 0.8 AU, 2 AU, 5 AU, 10 AU Types of planets (See Table 1 in Cahoy et al. 2010): - Jupiter-mass planets with 1x and 3x solar abundance of heavy elements - Neptune-mass planets with 10x and 30x solar abundance of heavy elements Orbital phase angles: between 0 (full phase) and 180 (new) degrees in 10 degree increments. Each file is named accordingly: Planet_Metallicty_Distance_PhaseAngle.dat e.g. Jupiter_1x_0.8AU_10deg.dat Each file contains two columns: column 1 -> wavelength in microns column 2 -> albedo as a function of wavelength Wavelength range in data files is 0.35 to 1 microns A zero degree phase angle albedo = geometric albedo, else albedo=spherical albedo ------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory also includes a reference solar spectrum that was used in the Cahoy et al. (2010) study (see Figure 14). The file SOLARSPECTRUM.DAT has two columns: column 1 -> wavelength in angstroms column 2 -> solar spectrum in cgs/angstroms -------------------------------------------------------------------- For questions, please first refer to the referenced paper, and then contact N. Lewis.